Friday, June 24, 2016

Dead giveaway...

Our connection continued on for a couple more months.  Will knew that I wanted a divorce.  I had finally developed balls big enough to escape his narcissism and emotional abuse... or at least he knew I wanted to.  Two weeks before my scheduled move date, while his wife was out of town, TJ worked a Monday that he was originally scheduled to be off.  He surprised me by working this day and it was one of the best days we had had yet.  I knew that if he would go to these lengths, he had to love me!!

Apparently his decision to work this day threw up red flags for his wife because at 7:35 the next morning, our usual morning greetings to each other were delayed.  He didn't respond right away, he didn't show up for work at his normal time and the dead giveaway that his wife had found out was when she called me at my office. At the time, having been under the impression that she was an evil witch, I found the phone call comical and desperate on her part.  Now looking back I realize I shouldn't have acted the way I did towards her.  She was rude to me but I guess I should know what it felt like to be in her shoes... the only difference being that TJ and I never slept together.  When I finally got to talk to him, I was sure that he would tell me that he was ending his marriage and wanted to be with me.  I had started the official demise of my marriage and I was certain that he wanted out of his so that he could "be himself" with me!!  To my surprise, that day would be the last time I ever talk to him in person...
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